Monday, August 30, 2010

Ode to Living by a High School and Middle School

Oh how I love the trash in my yard,
Chip bags and soda cans, whatever you discard.

Come and sit on my seawall, please don't think twice,
and screaming when my baby is sleeping is incredibly fun and nice.

If there is no room on the seawall, I have a seat for you.
It's on the bumper of my SUV- I promise I wont ask you to move.

It's really great at 7 and 2 when I have somewhere to be,
please ignore all of the no parking signs, and plant your car behind me.

I really love it when you hang in my yard, and closely examine my stuff,
Please look inside for anything you want, I'm sure I have enough.

I think the mail man may have delivered your mail to my place,
so check the mail box for stuff that's yours, it's really taking up space.

Don't hesitate to turn up your music for everyone to hear.
I don't own a tv,or radio- nothing fancy here.

By the way, I waited ALL summer to hear who you're in love with,
the idea that I don't care, would certainly be a myth.

And thanks for digging up my flowers I have planted in the bed,
I was going for the pretty look, but you're right, dirt works instead.

Underaged smoking and toking is legal at my place,
but if the cops come by you should put it away.. you know, just in case.

It's a blessing to watch you bully, and all the kids you taunt,
to see the outcome of undisciplined kids that get anything they want.

The best part about living in a house by the school,
the drama keeps life interesting, and the trash really is a jewel.


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