Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What? A Nap? No Thanks!

Alyssa was sleeping in the swing the other day, and she kept jumping and waking herself up. So me, being a good mommy decided I would put her in her crib to take a nap. Of course, I didn't have high expectations, because moving her during a nap could mean war. So I put her in her crib, and gave her her little blankie, and paci, and she closed her eyes. She fussed just a little, but I left her in there. Knowing her, she will usually stay in for a few minutes before she starts crying. So about 30 minutes later, I noticed I hadn't heard her. I was like 'oh, she must have went to sleep'. Because I am the kind of mom that has to see what she is doing t all times- including how she is sleeping, I grabbed the camara, and snuck over to her room, thinking I was going to snap a sweet angelic picture of her sleeping. Instead, this is what I find.

She decided since she wasn't going to take a nap, that it would be much better idea to throw all of her stuff out of the crib. Because you know, you don't want anything near you that might temp yu to close your eyes for a few minutes.

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