Thursday, September 16, 2010

Quiet Times

In the everyday hustle and bustle, sometimes we forget to sit back and just take in life. Every night and every morning, God paints us a picture, and we hardly notice. We get caught up in what we are doing and where we need to be, and we forget that we are given this gift everyday. Chris and I have been reflecting lately about appreciating things, and cherishing our lives more. This time that we have with Alyssa is precious, and we can never get it back again.

The other night, we were just sitting there, and I caught a glimpse of the sunset over the lake, so I asked Chris if he wanted to go on a walk. We decided to go accross the street to the dock, and watch the sunset. The breeze was perfect, and the scenery was awsome, and I would just close my eyes and feel the wind, and jut listen to the waves. It was so nice and relaxing. Alyssa seemed to really be into it too, but of course, she loves to be outside. It is one of those times that I will always cherish.

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