Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Auburndale outing

We decided on Saturday that it was such a beautiful day that we would take Alyssa to the park. Well, on the way there, we stopped to talk to the ducks. As we were talking to the ducks, the camara ran out of battery. So we walked over to the camara store, and while we were over there, we saw a small petting zoo set up. It was pretty cool, because she got to pet the goats, and sit on a horse. We ended up walking all over town. It was such a great day!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

My life in a nutshell- a long blog

So I figured it was about time for me to tell you a little bit about myself. I was born and raised in Perrysburg Ohio. I thought I would be there forever, but when I was 16, my parents decided to move to Fla. I told them before I moved that if I saw 1 roach, I was moving back wit h my grandparents. Well, 877,546,054 roaches later, I still live here. I love it. Mind you, I miss the seasons, but you can't beat the friendships I have made, and going to the beach whenever I want. Besides, I met Chris here. I met him at church like within a few weeks of living here. We literally hated each other, and use to fight all the time.. even physically. People use to say, what about Chris? And I would say... "no, I will never date Chris Williams!" God had a plan the whole time, and was probably sitting up there cracking up. He started asking me out a couple times, and I would politely refuse. I even had a crush on his best friend, so I used that as an excuse. So he finally gave up, and as soon as he did, I knew in my hear that he was the one. I kinda knew before, but never really let my feelings to the for front. Then one day, he decided to go to a different church, and I was afraid that he would meet someone else there, so I expressed my feelings, and 7 and a half years later, we are as happy as we can be. That's not to say we haven't had our rough times. The first year was pretty hard. I lost my job right after I came back from our honeymoon. I was out of work for 3 months, and he only made 8.50 an hour. At that first moment in our lives together, we realized that we were going to have situations that would either make or break our marriage. I think that's what happens to a lot of marriages, is that they say for better or worse, but don't really mean it. You can't just run away from your problems. You have to make the decision to build your character from the bad times. Another thing is that people have this "me" mentality, and they don't realize the other person in the room. That's why I feel so blessed to have him. When I did finally get a job, it was working a a juvenile correction center for boys. I worked the night shift, so we never got to spend any time together. Not to mention, that working in a place like that can really do something to your psyche. While I was working there- 5 months after marriage, we were robbed. Of course the things they took weren't really that important, but they took our sense of security. After that, we had to move into his parents house. It was only for a couple weeks while we found a place, but for newly weds, it felt like an eternity. After we moved, life calmed down quite a bit.

Then about 3 years into marriage, after unsuccessfully trying to get pregnant, I was told that I may never have children. Having always wanted to be a wife and mother, that ripped my heart to shreds. We didn't have money for fertility treatments, or adoption, but there was nothing that I could do. I could say that I was in a depression for a long time after that, but that would be an understatement. I was just plain sad... all of the time. I wore a happy mask, but on the inside I wanted to cry, always. I would plead with God, and cry, and pray all of the time. I couldn't even begin to tell you how many people prayed for me. I thought I had done something, and God wouldn't forgive me for it, or he thought that I didn't deserve them. I felt very rejected, and that was the only word I had to describe the way I felt. People used to say- oh, God can heal you, all it takes is faith. I knew that God could heal me, but I didn't know that he would. I knew people that God could have healed of cancer that still died.

One day, during worship time at church, I, like always, was begging God to heal me. All of the sudden, with a clear voice He said "Emily, you want a child more than you want me." I knew it was true, but I didn't know how to change that. He said it to me over and over for a while. So finally I said "Well God, then help me to want you more." Over time, I began to fast, and made sure that I was worshiping him, and not whining for my own selfish desires.
February 6, 2009, I was at a youth service, and they were singing the Lifehouse song "Everything". I was worshiping God, and all of the sudded, again, in a clear voice I hear "Emily, just accept your healing." I stopped dead in my track- could this be true? Could this be the moment? I didn't know what to think. He said it again. Then I thought of the woman with the issue of blood. That was literally me. She physically touched his robe, and was instantly healed. And I said "God, if I could just touch your hem, like the woman in the Bible, I know I would be healed." Then I got this overwhelming feeling all over my whole body. It felt like when you lift up a sheet, and just let it fall on you, that amazingly good feeling. I felt that over my entire body. I just cried, and God said, you can have more than the hem, you can have the whole thing. That was February 6, and on February 16, we conceived our first daughter, Alyssa Grace. Her middle name is Grace, because it's by God's grace, and love that she is here. He is so good! So here I am, a wife and mother, just as I always wanted to be. People think I'm crazy when I say that we want like 3 or 4, but they have no idea how much I love being a mom. So, thats my story, and it's not even over yet!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Season's change

Things in life are always changing. Everything in life comes for a season. Sometimes life just doesn't seem fair. God has a way of making us uncomfortable. I guess it's to remind us that he is there to rely on him. It seems like when your life is going on as normal, something comes along and jogs it up a little. It is those times when we do need to turn to God. I believe that he knows why things happen. Sometimes when you have the blues, just ask God to wrap his arms around you. He is like a teddy bear. He loves you, and wants that closeness with you. God is so amazing! Even when people come and go in your life, and you don't really know why, he does, and he has a plan. The grass will get greener. I promise..... saying that to myself.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Parksdale Farms

We took our annual trip over to Plant City today to Parsdale Farms. Let me tell you, it is AWESOME!!!! You go there, and stand in this huge line, and you better know what you want before you get up to order. They are seriously like the soup nazis of the strawberry world. Of course they have to be, because the lines are crazy.
It's not a major thing to go, but it is sort of fun! We wanted to take Alyssa there. Shoot, as I'm typingt his I remembered that the Strawberry Queen was there, and I was going to get a pic with her. Oh well. So we took Alyssa there, and she looked so cute, because she had on her Strawberry Shortcake dress, with a strawberry bib. Even though it really meant nothing to her. She will enjoy it when she gets a little older.
I will have to post more later, because blogger is messed up, and wont upload rright now, but more to come..... I promise.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Crazy thoughts

So I'm laying awake last night from 3-5:30, when suddenly I get a song in my head that I sang during chior class in 5th grade. We sang it a lot, but the song didn't make any sense. Here are the lyrics:

It is midnight, it is midnight
the sun is shining brightly
And the car is racing slowly down the river
it is hot, very hot, it is very, very hot
And yet I shiver.

Yes, that was the song. And Mr Borgelt (the chior teacher) prcoeeded to tell us that the band was high when they wrote it. How old was I again? 10? I just thought that was funny. And like I say, we sang it a lot. Hmmm, Mr B, maybe not such a good lesson for a bunch of 10 year olds. Of course we all thought we were cool for knowing a druggie song. Oh, those were the days. LOL

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Moving day

Ok, so I'm not moving, but my best friend is. We are going over today to help. I'm a little worried because the baby is pretty sick, but I think she should be fine. I took her to the dr yesterday, and she has rhinitis (infected pharynx) a sinus infection, bronchitis and a double ear infection. poor little baby. She was sick once before, but just barely. She will be ok. Dr LaRue says that we caught it at the beginning, so it may get worse before it gets better. But so anyways, Jacob and Jess bought their first home. Its in Haines city. I wish they lived in Auburndale, but the drive isn't too bad. I am so happy for them. I'm hoping we will take the buying plunge soon. I think Chris gets a little nervous when it comes to that, because we have had some credit issues in the past. But we have worked pretty hard to get them straight. It is a little scary though. You go to a Realtor, and they ask how much you're pre-approved for, but you go to the bank, and they say, so how much is the house you're trying to buy. So, it's sort of the run around. That's why I think it would be better to do to a Realtor/broker. Oh well. We live in a nice house right on the lake. It's a great location, because Chris is like a mile away from work. The only thing that I hate is that we live on the only road to get to I-4 from Auburndale/Winter Haven, so we get a lot of traffic, including semi trucks, and ambulance/fire/police.... at all hours of the day and night. This house also needs some fixing up, but we are working to get some things fixed. We have talked about maybe buying this house. I wouldn't mind sometimes, because of the lake and the location. But sometimes, I think about the work, and the age (built in 1946) and the fact that we aren't in a neighborhood. So, I don't know. Maybe if she will give us a really good price. So, anyways. That's all for today.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Walking while working....

As some of you may or may not know, I started working from home a couple weeks ago. Everyday, I sit at my little desk, while this enormus tredmill sits in my face. I heard of this guy a few years ago that lost like 100 lbs because he set up his lap top on his tredmill and just walked all day long. So I figured I would try it. I am walking right now as I type, and I think I'm doing pretty well for being a blonde. Haha. Of course, I have only been at it for a few minutes, but hey, why not? I don't have any other time to excersise, beteen the baby and work and church and all. I will let you know if I fall off. :)

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Well, Im pretty excited, because this is my first ever blog. Forgive me if you come back in 3 months, and this is the only entry. I'm horrible about journaling and stuff like that. I was just thinking about life the other day, and realized that I don't really have hobbies, that I do just for me. So I am trying to think of things that I can go over, by myself and do that will make me happy. I have always loved to write, and though I don't think my life is much of a story, I figured, why not. I also bought a camara the other day. I used to be really into photography, until I was without a decent camera. So I decided to pick that up to. So here I go... the story of my life.