Saturday, March 20, 2010

Parksdale Farms

We took our annual trip over to Plant City today to Parsdale Farms. Let me tell you, it is AWESOME!!!! You go there, and stand in this huge line, and you better know what you want before you get up to order. They are seriously like the soup nazis of the strawberry world. Of course they have to be, because the lines are crazy.
It's not a major thing to go, but it is sort of fun! We wanted to take Alyssa there. Shoot, as I'm typingt his I remembered that the Strawberry Queen was there, and I was going to get a pic with her. Oh well. So we took Alyssa there, and she looked so cute, because she had on her Strawberry Shortcake dress, with a strawberry bib. Even though it really meant nothing to her. She will enjoy it when she gets a little older.
I will have to post more later, because blogger is messed up, and wont upload rright now, but more to come..... I promise.

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