Friday, March 12, 2010

Walking while working....

As some of you may or may not know, I started working from home a couple weeks ago. Everyday, I sit at my little desk, while this enormus tredmill sits in my face. I heard of this guy a few years ago that lost like 100 lbs because he set up his lap top on his tredmill and just walked all day long. So I figured I would try it. I am walking right now as I type, and I think I'm doing pretty well for being a blonde. Haha. Of course, I have only been at it for a few minutes, but hey, why not? I don't have any other time to excersise, beteen the baby and work and church and all. I will let you know if I fall off. :)

1 comment:

DWhite said...

Oh my goodness I can barely get up early enough to have my coffee before the baby gets up. I try to squeeze in a little stationary bike time before work but it's almost impossible! I can't imagine trying to walk on a treadmill and type at the same time.