Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Some of My Favorite Things

So I have been kinda down lately... stress from my job, and struggling with that, and having the baby at home with me has been pretty difficult, and a couple deaths, including my grandma. Then I find this blog that I posted the other day, and I literally cannot get it off my mind... so I have been trying to perk myself up, so I decided to let you know some of my favorite things in my life.

1. Jesus... He died for me, a humiliating death at that, and then He rose from the grave and saves everyone who choose Him. That's pretty cool. And He continues to help me everyday of my life. Even when I don't deserve His love.

2. My Husband.. This goes without saying that he is the perfect guy for me. I love him, and would do anything for him, and I know that he would do anything for me. He is by far my best friend ever, and no one in this world knows just how silly we are. I love him.

3.My Daughter... Obviously. Shes so cute, and loving. She has a 1 in a million personality. You gotta love her past her

Now that we got the obvious out of the way....

4. Laughing... They say it's the best excersise, I don't know about that, but I love anything that can make me laugh.
5. Plumeria... my all time favorite flower, and you want to know how many I have?, 0! One day when we buy a house, I am going to plant a tree, so I can look at (and smell) Plumeria all the time.

6. All things Hawaii.. this and plumeria go hand in hand. I love Hawaii, because it is so full of culture. The people there- even though they hate tourists- are so loving, and deeply in love with their family and their beliefs. One day I plan on having a vacation home there, so I can go back whenever I want.

7. The Waltons... don't ask me why, it's just one of my obsessions

8. Japanese People... One of my goals in life is to go to Tokyo- but before I do, I want to be fluent in Japanese

9.Photography... I believe that just about everything is art, and I wish that people viewed the world as everything being something to cherish.

10. Marilyn Monroe... not that I would have desired her life, but she was classically beautiful, and thats how I look at her

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