Thursday, December 16, 2010

1 Month

It has been a month since my last entry (wrist slap). I feel like I am seriously Livin' la Vida loca! Chris has been working a lot, and I have the kids during the day while I work, and trying to keep up the house, plus fitting in me time is almost unheard of. I would say that I should get up early or go to bed late to blog, but if I was to lose sleep over something constructive, it would be exercising. I have also been trying to do the whole craft thing, which is turning out to be a total bomb.

So, Christmas is coming up! Absolutely my favorite time of year! Makes me wish I lived in a cabin in the mountains with fireplaces and free time and stuff. There is just something about Christmas that is so special, that makes you want to be home in your jammies and cozied up to your favorite people. And bake cookies, and make crafts, and looking outside at the frigid cold, knowing that you have your family to keep you warm. I know it sounds like a cheesey Hallmark card, but it really does make me happy.

Well, I shall return, however, now, I have a crying kid. Merry Christmas if I don't get on here before then.

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