Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Munch!

My little girl turns 1 today. All my life I waited for the day that I would find out that I was pregnant. Now that day seems like an eternity ago. I remember the day so clearly. I was craving pickles, chocolate chip cookies and garlic bread, all at the same time. I wanted to take a test, but had so many disappointing results, so I hesitated to go to the store to buy one. But something just told me to do it. So, I was on my way home from work and I prayed that God would show me a sign, because I didn't want to be disappointed. I looked at the clouds, and the road signs, and saw nothing. I was just about to pass walmart when I saw a bumper sticker that said "Good things happen". I figured that was sign enough, so I got it, peed on it, and it popped up positive right away. I was speechless, and Chris came home while I was still in the bathroom. I was waiting for the line to go away, because it couldn't be real. When Chris got home he kept banging on the door to mess with me, and little did he know that his life was about to change. I came out of the bathroom,and ran through the house looking for him, and I found him outside, and I cried out to come here. He was speechless, and made me take 2 more tests that night, and 1 digital one the next day before I took the blood test to avoid disappointment. I had a pretty easy pregnancy. Almost no sickness. I just couldn't stand for very long because I would get dizzy. Then on 11/17 at 6:14 am I had my first contraction, and had my little angel at 8:39pm that night. She was everything I ever dreamed of. She started sitting up at 5 months, crawling at 8 months, and walking at 10 months. She now says momma, dada, baby, stop it, hi, bye bye and night night. I think she also says thank you, but I'm not positive that's what it is. She loves bath time, kisses, turning upside down, eating, being thrown around, pushing things along the floor, dancing, and anything to do with music. She hates being left alone, put down, and the doctor. Right now she is in to smacking her lips with her tongue, necklaces, picking things up while she walks, holding more than one thing in her hand, emptying out her drawers and putting her head on the floor with her butt in the air. Everyday, she makes us laugh. Always with something new. She is a ham. Sometimes she will put something in her mouth like a dog, and look at everyone to make sure they can see her, and they think it's funny. Or when you say "YAY" and clap, she will stop whatever she is doing to clap, even if it means falling down or dropping what she is playing with. It makes me laugh, so sometimes I do it just to be mean. It has been a great year, and I am looking forward to many more.

1 comment:

Laura1of8 said...

She is so beautiful. We kept saying "We need a grandaughter".
When we found out that Chris and Emily were expecting, we were breathless. We had prayed for such a long time. Alyssa is truly a miracle child. Happy birthday princess, Nana loves you.